Money Saving Tips for Students: Curly Headed Saints
In the first episode of Curly Headed Saints, China and Tiana asks students for money saving tips while they test different levels of hot sauce! AdministratorMore Posts More »
In the first episode of Curly Headed Saints, China and Tiana asks students for money saving tips while they test different levels of hot sauce! AdministratorMore Posts More »
It is no secret Maryville has had a rather wet start to the school year, with two water main breaks back to back causing the dorms and apartments to be without water for a short period of time, students had to use other resources around campus for water. Lucki... More »
Inside a typical cafeteria, there are the usual areas in which cafeterias like to divide themselves into- Asian food, pizza, the grill, what with its burgers, fries and other sandwiches, and of course, a salad bar. This is what Maryville’s dining hall, Gander,... More »
The Missouri Community Action Network recently hosted a simulation in the Donius University Center Atrium, Sept. 11, to give an interactive experience for students on how people in poverty live in the United States of America. The simulation lasted for a four... More »
We walk around campus and ask Freshman what they still have questions about and ask Seniors to give them advice. Check it out! AdministratorMore Posts More »
Sept. 3, Nike debuted their new “Just Do It” campaign starring the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick. Last year, Kaepernick was in the headlines for protesting during the NFL national anthem to fight against racial inequality and police... More »
In 2013, freshmen Connor Gaby and Sean Salomon met through mutual friends while playing Xbox. Neither of them could have predicted that they would have become great friends and end up as college roommates five years later. Connor Gaby, from Freeburg, Illinoi... More »
When a teach announces a big exam is coming up some students immediately start to prepare as soon as the class is over, but others push it off until the very last second. The difference between those two types of people categorizes them into two groups: the ov... More »
It all started with a slab of concrete and a group of determined, hard-working students. While some chose to stay home for spring break, others chose to lend a hand to those in need. Maryville University offers several alternative spring break trips, but the s... More »
By day, she attends class as a student at Maryville University. By night, she skates on the ice of the Scott Trade Center for thousands to see. Meet Emma Pinson: a first-year student and a member of the St. Louis Blue’s Blue Crew. AdministratorMore Posts More »
What got you started in taekwondo? “I just started off of a whim. I just wanted to get out my comfort zone, and this is something that was offered around where I lived, so I decided to give it a shot and I ended up loving it. I started in 2011, so it’s been se... More »
Although Gander offers a surplus of options incorporated through different stations, it is not uncommon for one to get tired of eating the same things repeatedly. Whether it’s through utilizing the salad bar or combining items from various stations, hacking th... More »