
What You Need to Know About the Upcoming Semester of Notorious

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Notorious is the singular A cappella group at Maryville University. Notorious holds biannual concerts where they showcase all of music they have worked on throughout the semester. Most recently, Notorious held their Spring Concert April 12.

After the spring concert, Notorious sent off three of their seniors, which opened up several spots new members.

Grace Hanebrink, a graduating officer of Notorious, singing on stage at the most recent Notorious concert. Photo courtesy of Notorious A cappella on Facebook.

“The group is still looking for male singers, specially singing tenor and bass,” said Macie Maislin, the Public Relations Officer.

As public relations officer, Maislin is on the executive board, and holds many responsibilities, including being in charge of the social media and contacting guest groups for their concert.

Notorious’s newest Public Relations Officer, Macie Maislin. Photo Courtesy of Macie Maislin.

One round of auditions has been held with four new members added, but the second round will be at the beginning of the Fall 2019 semester. Students must fill out a form on OrgSync that will open in the first weeks of the Fall semester.

The upcoming Fall 2019 Notorious a cappella group. Photo courtesy of Macie Maislin.

“The group is looking for hard workers that want to make friendships and be apart of something they love,” said Maislin.

Maislin auditioned for Notorious because she missed singing and being in a group that shares a similar interest. For Maislin, Notorious is one of the only ways she escapes from the stress of school and work.

Taylor Bass is a first-year Music Therapy student. Bass auditioned for Notorious and now sings soprano and beatboxes for the group.

“Notorious is basically like a second family to me. I’ve always had a passion for music, but doing it with people that I love makes it even more special,” said Bass.

The new Music Director of Notorious, Taylor Bass. Courtesy of Notorious A cappella.

Bass is the new Music Director for the upcoming semester, and she is excited to start a new journey, as well as add her own creativity to the group.

“We’re really excited to start a new semester in the fall with both old and new members,” said Bass, “We’re going to come back better than ever and we hope to see the students, faculty and staff of Maryville in the audience.”

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