
Spring Break Tips for College Students

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Maryville campus, photo courtesy of Maryville University via Instagram

Creating spring break plans early saves money and less hassle than waiting to the last minute. This gives you plenty of time to decide whether to visit family or plan a trip with friends. The earlier you decide, the cheaper plan tickets, rental cars, and hotels are.

Additionally, if you plan to vacation with friends, you and your group will want time to decide where to go to. Gather together to create a budget and record what each of you and your friends want to do while on break. Understanding one another is very relevant and rushing to the last minute to find a vacation place might be very frustrating.

If you haven’t planned on what to do for your spring break, ask upperclassmen about what they’ve done in previous years, which adventures have been budget-friendly and what they planning on doing currently and next year.

Upperclassmen have an abundance of spring break experience to share with you and would be willing to give you advice. If you’re close to some of them, than you may be able to join their group for a spring break trip.

No matter what you end up doing for spring break, there is going to be extra expenditures. Before you travel outside of the country, do plenty of research to find the best deal. Even expansive road trips can get heavy on your pockets as food and gas will add up faster than you think.

 Keep your traveling group kind of small. Planning for large groups of friends will get exponentially more harder as each person has their own vacation choices. Spending your spring break with a small group of friends also lets you expand your bond with your group.

“Alot of college students prefer to go to a place closer to the equator over spring break.” Ashley Smith, a senior at Maryville says.

For more tips and info

——>  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/12-tips-to-survive-spring-break/

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