
Must-see Off-Campus Apartments

While many students choose to live on-campus during their years at Maryville, students also resort to off-campus apartments as an option as well.

Maryville students Morgan Deters, Molly Godat and Danielle Johnson have experienced both on and off campus living.

“For my second year of college, I moved off campus with four other girls to save some money and have a little more of our own space,” said Deters.

According to Deters, she wanted to find a more affordable option and have more room for personal space. Deters also said that the campus dining was convenient and delicious, but being able to cook on her own is a cheaper option.

“We have enjoyed our time at Whispering Hills. It has been an affordable option that is still in close proximity to campus. It is a simple 10 minute drive and there are scenic back roads that we can drive to try and avoid traffic depending on when we are trying to get to campus. Throughout our years at Whispering Hills, more and more Maryville students have moved to the complex, so there are many peers that also live in close proximity that we can easily meet up with to either hang out or study,” said Deters.

Another pro to living off-campus for Deters is being able to be separate school and “me-time”.

“I love being able to make lasting relationships with my roommates and I love that I have a place where I can escape from the stresses of school. I’ll always remember the experiences and memories made with my roommates and others at the townhouse. It has been my home away from home for the past four years,” said Deters.

Photo courtesy of Molly Godat.

Godat and Johnson are roommates in an apartment complex called Bennington Heights, which is about 10 minutes from campus. They both started attending Maryville when they were Freshman in 2016. They also both were roommates in Mouton Hall in their freshman year and decided that for the remaining time at school they wanted to continue to live together off campus.  

The sole reason for moving off campus for both Godat and Johnson was because they both wanted to save a little bit more money with living expenses.

“Sometimes I miss the convenience of living on campus. I prefer living off campus because it’s cheaper and I still can spend a lot of time on campus with my friends, I just pay less,” said Johnson.

For Godat, the independent aspect of living off-campus is most appealing.

“I like the peace and quiet. There’s also a different sort of freedom when you aren’t surrounded by a ton of people all the time,” said Godat.

If you’re looking for places that are cheap and close to campus for the summer and the remaining time at Maryville. be sure to check these places out!  

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