
Springing forward: Maryville and a new season

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Winter is over, and that means a lot of things, as with any seasonal change. For starters, there will hopefully be no more big snowstorms, massive blizzards or chilly, even subzero temperatures, as well as no more long coats one has to put on to be prepared to go outside.

On the other hand, there’s a lot more rain to deal with, not to mention tornadoes. There will also be flowers blooming all around, grass beginning to grow again, a lot more sunshine and warming temperatures (and, presumably, outdoor allergies will spike.) In short, a new season is upon us- springtime.

But what does the season of spring actually represent and mean to people, and what, exactly, do they like to do during it? What, in short, is springtime all about to people?

For Rachel Weidig, a sophomore nursing student, spring represents “good weather,” the end of school and getting everything in order, as she is a fan of spring cleaning. It also represents “an intro to summer“ during which she can get ready to start the summer season on a strong note.

She feels spring always happens too fast but is exciting. She noted, “You haven’t been able to go outside in so long, and you just wanna wear shorts.”

By comparison, when winter comes, “it’s a total drag,” so each spring,“it’s a relief to be done with winter.”

For her, the most exciting part of spring is seeing the plants come back and being able to go outside, which she likes to do in the springtime, as she plays frisbee and eats lunch outdoors.
Weidig said, in a sentiment many might share as the season blooms and blossoms, that spring is “just nice.” She also remarked that spring is a time of new beginnings and some endings, as school ends, plants flower and as the season presents a way to “start over.”

For Judy Koenig, Maryville’s administrative assistant in the Office of Student Life for the vice president of student life and the dean of students, spring also represents new beginnings, renewal, “thinking about things that can change” and “hope for new beginnings.” She also noted, however, that while she often thinks of sunshine in spring, the weather can change rapidly, “especially in St. Louis.”

Because springtime for Koenig begins through the lens of Lent and following her faith, the beginning of spring means “getting together with my prayer group and doing things with some homeless shelters and some other community organizations that I do.”

She associates springtime with happiness, joyfulness, excitement, new beginnings and ”overall, change.”

In the springtime, said Koenig, “I would like to be outdoors as much as possible,” tending to both her vegetable and flower gardens. Indoors, she enjoys painting, remodeling and working on her furniture business. However, she noted, “if I can get outside, I’m outside.” For her, her favorite part of spring is watching plants regrow, as to her, it represents growth, happiness, and newness. She also enjoys seeing sunshine and “lots of color.”




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