
Lean on Kathleen: Vote Giang for Student Body President

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Every vote counts at the upcoming election. Maryville Student Government will be holding the spring election Tuesday, March 7. Students will be able to vote for student body president and members of the senate. Once the members of the senate are sworn in, the senators will choose the vice president and other executive positions.

Pictured are current MSG officers and senate members. Photo courtesy of the MSG Instagram account.

Voting will be available at stations set up in the back of Gander or at Way Outside Wednesday. Students can vote between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.

According to Kayley Johns, current student body vice president, “The main purpose of MSG is to be the voice of the students.” She said MSG is important to overall involvement on campus. They assist with maintaining relationships among students, faculty and organizations and keeping the Maryville community united. So far this year, the organization has been working to create better communication methods between students and faculty members.

With only a week before election day, the single presidential candidate has been busy campaigning. Running unopposed, Kathleen Giang announced her candidacy on Tuesday, Feb. 21.

Q & A with Kathleen

How have you been working to campaign?

In the future, she plans on sharing information about her campaign with students. “I have three main platforms,” Giang said. Her campaign hashtag is #LeanOnKathleen.

What do you plan to accomplish while in office?

Giang plans to accomplish three main goals while in office.

“I want Maryville to get involved,” Giang said. She hopes to expand Maryville Reaches Out into something that keeps students and faculty engaged for more than just one day. She hopes to expand community outreach efforts while keeping a diverse group of students involved.

Giang also would like to create a greener campus. “There are not as many recycling bins as there should be,” Giang said. She has been passionate about recycling and sustainability since she was a child, and she has always dreamed about implementing this plan. She hopes to add more recycling bins and signage to promote the green movement.

The third platform Giang mentioned was improving the relationships students have with international students. “There seems to be a barrier between international kids and American kids,” Giang said. She wants to create a smooth adjustment for students arriving from different countries and promote relationships between diverse groups of students.

What is one thing you are eager to change while in office?

“Every issue is just as important as any other,” Giang said. She could not choose which platform she was most eager to change. She hopes to address all issues she has laid out.

Giang’s sole opponent dropped out of the presidential race Monday, Feb. 20. Even though she is running unopposed, it is still important to exercise your rights and express your voice by voting in the election.
What do you want to see MSG do next school year? Stop by the Student Activities Council office located in the Donius University Center to meet with an MSG senator.

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