
Humans of Maryville: Bill Stimac

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Why did you decide to play soccer at Maryville?

“They were the last school to still be interested in me. Academically, the school is outstanding. I saw the potential in the program and I’m proud of our accomplishments. I love the guys on the team and that’s more than enough reason to have stuck with my decision.”

How has soccer impacted your life?

“Soccer is my life. Every big decision I have made in my life has revolved around the sport I love. I chose my college because of soccer. It has shaped me in ways nothing else could have. It’s given me waves of confidence to take challenges head on, taught me patience and composure in life, and most of all, to find something fun to pursue in my future. No sense doing anything without joy. I love this sport.”

How does it feel to be captain and what do you think of the team as a whole?

“I feel honored to be the captain. I enjoy the responsibility and the respect I have gained from my team and coaches. I think the team is in great shape, with hard work this off season there is no limit to what we can accomplish in the near future. The guys are great, they are what make it so fun. The coaches are extremely professional and do their very best to prepare us as well as possible for each challenge. And the trainers keep us as healthy as possible so we can perform at our highest level. We have a great blend from top to bottom between the players, coaches and trainers.”

Any funny stories you are willing to share?

“I have such a good time being around all the guys. My favorite was [during] my sophomore year [when] we were on an away trip. A teammate and I bought a pumpkin. We set it on another teammates’ bed, who will remain nameless. He jumped onto his bed stomach-first and slammed into the pumpkin. It was the greatest thing I’ve ever witnessed.”


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