Horror Stories- Christmas Holiday Edition

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The Holidays are usually a time for Holiday cheer, filled with family and friends. To be honest, some people have had a Griswold-worthy holiday (referenced in The Christmas Vacation). Usually by the time this happens, the presents are all opened, wrapping paper torn and crumbled. The eggnog is getting dangerously low and you’re looking for ways to avoid your family and all the drama that comes with it during this holiday. Here are some Maryville holidays-gone-wrong stories to make you feel a little less bad about how often your family members ask about your grades, your nonexistent significant other or your life plans…it could be worse.

I’m Just like the Movie

“People always call me Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, because my nose gets really red and swollen in the winter time. It really hurts my feelings.” -Tyler Rhodes


We all Want Presents

“My family does a Secret Santa every year on Christmas Eve, all of the parents get together before and draw names. So as Christmas Eve came, I didn’t know who had my name at all yet. As the presents get handed out, each after another, I’m just waiting and waiting… By the end of it I’m just sitting there smiling and pretending everything is okay. I find out later that when the parents got together to draw names THEY FORGOT MINE! My mom never hears the end of it from me, and every Christmas since I always make sure she remembers her third child in the cousins Secret Santa.” -Anonymous

Coal for Christmas

“When I was little, I really looked forward to Christmas. I woke up Christmas morning, ran into my siblings’ and parent’s rooms and woke them up. As a tradition, we always open our stockings first. My sister thought it would be funny to put a piece of coal in mine. As I am opening my stocking and found coal in it, my dreams were crushed [and I thought] that Santa thought I was a bad kid. My parents then explained to me that Santa meant for it to go into someone else’s stocking…I know now that they were talking about my sister.” -Josh Selzer, junior


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