
Home for the Holi-daze

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  • Rob Your Neighbor:

It seems that every holiday party has this game which includes something resembling Rob Your Neighbor, Dirty Santa or White Elephant. In case you don’t know what this game is, I’m gifting you the rules for this holiday season.

  • The gifts should cost around $10. Another option is to find gag gifts or gifts around the house to wrap up and regift. They can be funny or something that your family and friends would want to get as a gift. In the past, I’ve seen board games, coffee mugs and scratch-off tickets.
  • Make the wrapping of the gift interesting. You can save some boxes of items you purchased throughout the year and wrap the gifts in them. When a small gift is wrapped in bigger and bigger boxes, it’s twice the fun. 



  • Christmas Movies:

Around the holidays, Maryville students watch Christmas movies. The funny ones, the romantic ones, the cartoons…and who can go a week without watching Elf?!



  • Listening to Holiday Music:

We all love listening to holiday music, the classics and our favorite artist’s Christmas music playlist. I know some of you may think Christmas music isn’t appropriate until after Thanksgiving. Well, if that’s the case, then why would Macy’s be playing Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas (Is You) in early November?

“Working retail, I can tell you my holiday spirit is diminished. I work a lot and hear the music playing all day. On my break, in the backroom, on the floor…which eventually gets stuck in my head,” Danielle Koch, senior, said.



  • Ugly Christmas Sweater Party:

We have all have gotten those gifts from grandma of sweaters that are just not attractive. We have even seen them in the movies. Why donate the sweaters to Goodwill when you can throw a party centered around ugly Christmas sweaters? Wear all your ugly Christmas sweater gear around all your friends and have a great time while doing it. It’s a thing.



  • Secret Santa:

Since CLEARLY budgets don’t exist for college students, let’s find more excuses to spend money. Lots of friends? Obviously the only way to spread the holiday cheer is through secret Santa. Here are the rules:

  • With your friend group, set a price limit for the gifting of your friends. Usually the price range is between $15 and $20, which is a good idea since the gift doesn’t have to be extravagant.
  • Write down gift ideas with your name on it and put the slip of paper in a hat. Then pass the hat around and pick a name. Voila! You are now Santa for that one lucky friend.

“I think that Secret Santa is an amazing idea. I know me and my friends just started doing this and it’s awesome to get your friends an affordable gift and not have to get each friend one especially since were in college and on a budget,” Miranda Helfrich, junior, said.


  • Christmas Light Watching:

As far as free ways to occupy your time outside of Netflix and finals, go celebrate the holiday cheer by driving through town and looking at Christmas lights. Add a car full of your friends and some hot cocoa in your Thermos to make the night even more cozy.



  • Black Friday Shopping:

Many families have a tradition of going out the morning after Thanksgiving to get the best deals on gifts for their loved ones. Even though Black Friday is the busiest and crowded time of year to go shopping, they still do it. It’s a family tradition.



  • Baking Cookies:

In Christmas movies (or the cooking network), we all see these Christmas cookies being made and our mouths water. Lucky for us, Pinterest has made finding recipes so easy that the cookies almost make themselves! 



  • Tree Decorating:

Many people have a tradition of decorating their Christmas tree. Whether bringing out the Christmas tree from the basement or going to get a live Christmas tree, it’s easy to make a day out of solely decorating one tree. From there, everyone has their own routine. Find yours and make it your own, Do you like doing it alone or being with people? What kind of music are you listening to? Are you only putting up your favorite ornaments?

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